Saturday, October 29, 2011


Colour blocking!

I have these trousers! Great pair to wear with my leopard heels.

a DIY?

Nice off shoulders

Demin shirt worn as skirt

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flood in Bangkok! What now?

There is this flood in Thailand. What to do now?!
This photo was taken in Bangkok. I just add this Thailand blog on my e-mail to stay up to date: 
Otherwise I will travel to Laos or Cambodia, doesn't matter for me! 

Some favourite looks!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leaving Nijmegen

Thinking about leaving Nijmegen is hard. It confronts me more and more when I talk with friends about what there plans are for this December and after that. Like celebrating Sinterklaas and going to Düsseldorf for Christmas shopping. I'm living in a sort of high speed train to an unknown place. But in reality I'm planning and planning constantly and going from A to B and forget to enjoy the time I still have, here in Nijmegen. Relaxing is hard if you have to make money. I can relax when I'm in Thailand I think, not by doing nothing, but in a way of not thinking about what obligations I have. And doing whatever I'm into at that really moment, to enjoy more and to realize that I'm there.
Cherish the lovely time I still have here in Nijmegen, is what I will try to do!
Beneath some picture of last year and some random ones that made my last years great!

When there was snow in Berlin (Feb. '10)

When there was no snow in Berlin (July '11)

Here some music that made my day after I heard that my bicycle is stolen. 
Rumer - Am I forgiven

Wouter Hamel - March April May

And for now, I'm writing a letter to my sweet Bas and send him some pictures to Leuven! Bye bye

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Short message

This time I will start in English, I will expect my cousin to read this.
I don't have not that much time today to post a lot. Today I had to work at the clothing store Geddes & Gillmore. We sold the whole combination (of trousers, sweater, belt and blouse) what the mannequin was wearing in our store! Funny to see how people try to combine there clothes and just literally copy every detail. When I came home from work I changed clothes, my own clothes feel much better than the clothes I HAVE to wear..
Since Valencia I adore Massimo Dutti! Very classy, good quality, but similar prices with Zara. Got this really nice winter jacket and black blouse. Today I wore the black blouse with my red denim trousers from Zara with zippers. See you next time!

funny nail polish!

By the way, Nok, if you are reading this, i got something for you. You will get it this Saturday! I think i just gave you a hint..

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Monki collection

a real DIY


Een proefje voor mijn blog. Ik dacht dat ik er nooit aan zou beginnen en blogs alleen maar zou volgen. Het tegendeel is waar, Cilia is begonnen met bloggen! En hoe!
Het idee is dat hier verhalen komen te staan vanuit Thailand, de backpackreis die ik 28 november 2011 zal beginnen in Bangkok. Enorm spannend dus! Op het moment ben ik aan het sparen om deze reis mogelijk te maken. Dat betekent zo veel mogelijk werken, waardoor ik minder kan genieten van de tijd die ik nog heb in het mooie Nijmegen. Dus heb ik gewoon mijn hele agenda volgepland (tevens met leuke dingen) tot en met mijn reis. 
Over precies 44 dagen, hoeveel weken dat ook mogen zijn, ben ik pleite uit Nijmegen, of nee, Nederland, oh nee, uit Europa!! 
Voor de sfeer nog een foto uit Valencia, want tja.. Cilia is een reiziger en blijft er één.

'Stad van de wetenschap en kunst'

uitzicht vanuit de 8e verdieping

Mam eet altijd teveel van haar ontbijt waardoor ze steeds buikpijn krijgt.